Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Autism Sensory Box review

Today I received the Autism Sensory Box it is a monthly subscription box full of fun activities toys and sensory products for autistic children. You can get the standard box for $29.99 a month or a deluxe box for $49.99 a month. I got the deluxe box so lets take a look at what was in it.

1. Zoom Ball

This is a fun game for two people which encourages social interaction. I found this for sale for $10.00

2. Sensory Football

This textured ball has a soothing and calming effect when played with. I found this ball for sale for $2.00

3. Lamaze musical inchworm

This provides sensory stimulation with a variety of textures and sounds. I found this for sale for $17.00

4. Slinky

Just old fashioned fun you can get these for $1.00 each

5. Light up spinning ball wand

with it's lights and movement this can be a great tool for coping with sensory issues you can get these for $4.00 each.

6. Splash balls sports balls

Great for encouraging social play through water wars or for sensory play you can find these for around $1.00 per pack.

7. Light up wand

With multiple settings for the lights provides great sensory input. These are sold for $3.00 each.

8. Finger lights

another fun light up item you can find these for $1.00 per pack.

9. Autism key chain

Cute way to raise awareness for autism. I found this selling for $2.00.

10. Puffer pig

Wonderful feel textured stress ball friend great for decompressing. these sell for $1.00 each.

11. Clown fish swimming bath toy

 pull the fish in his mouth and watch him go helps having a swimming friend to make bath time just a little easier. I found these for $1.00 each.

12. Light up sensory ball

It's textured, it lights up, and it even squeaks these run $1.00 each.

At this point we are already up to a value of $44.00 and there are still 4 more items to go. These last 4 items I was not able to find for sale and I will leave it to you to decided what their value may be worth.

13. sensory inchworm key chain

This has to be my favorite item in the box not only do I think it is adorable but the texture and squishy feel is great for helping me to calm and decompress.

14. Texture Pillow

Just the right size for a child's hands this little pillow was so soft with just the slightest texture to it I loved the feel.

15. Spring Magnet craft kit

Fun little craft to encourage following directions and working together I did this with my youngest and had a lot of fun he is a bit of a perfectionist so did get frustrated when it didn't go on perfect immediately which gave us a great opportunity to use our coping skills. This is our finished product.

16.  Color your own mini drawstring bag

My 2 youngest boys (7 and 9 years old) colored this together with minimal problems was great for practicing cooperation and social interaction skills. This is their finished product.

they each had their own colored and followed each others patterns.

All in all there was a lot of great stuff in this box I truly like it. I think it is great for autistic children and even for young non autistic children for me it was worth the cost and I would recommend checking out. Get your own Autism Sensory Box here

Watch the unboxing on youtube

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