Monday, April 27, 2015

Picky Eaters

Okay today I am going to talk about picky eaters and sensory issues with food. So in our family of 4 we have two great eaters my oldest son and my youngest son they both will eat anything you put in front of them. Then we have two picky eaters myself and my middle son Adian. Now for me I have gotten a lot better since I've gotten older, as a child I was extremely picky and my parents not knowing that I had autism or sensory processing disorder did the whole either eat what we give you or you don't eat. After a few times of me choosing to not eat it got to the point where my mom finally started adjusting meals for me. I would eat the same main thing that the rest of the family ate but it would be adjusted a little bit. lasagna for instance I had a big problem with the lasagna noodles the texture of them I just could not handle so instead of giving me it like everybody else she would take everything that you put in the lasagna and put some of it separate and give that to me without the noodles so it was basically lasagna with no noodles and it worked. that's the kind of things we ended up doing of course  she also had to adjust for my food allergies because I do have a lot of food allergies. Now we're working on getting Adian to eat more things and he does not have food allergies like I do at least none that we found so far so that makes it a little easier but he very much has the sensory issues.  Right now he eats a lot of meats and chips and he really won't eat any fruits or vegetables. He needs those in his diet and I have been trying for a long time to get those in his diet. I was at a loss.  So we finally went to a dietitian and the dietitian shared some tips and tricks with me that we have started using.  I'm going to share those with you today. 

The first tip I'm going to share with you is before you have them try a new food brush their teeth brush their cheeks and their tongue with just water. By doing this it helps desensitize it a little bit.  

The next thing is the reward. Basically you have them try a new food and every time they do they get some kind of reward. now I know there's a plate that they make somewhere out there now that’s like a game board and they have to take so many bites to get to the finish line which is like a box you can lift up and there is a  surprise under it. Now I don't have one of these plates because they're expensive, but what we have done is because they have to try a food several times take several bites in order to really know if they like it. In order to get him to take more than just one really really small bite and not even taste it. What I've done is for every bite he takes up to 4 bites he gets 25 cents so he has the potential to earn $1 for every new food he tries. In doing this we've already discovered a couple of new foods that he will eat. Some that he will tolerate and he'll eat sometimes but doesn't really like so it's not an all the time and then we discovered some that he won't eat at all but he did give them all a fair chance and tried at least four bites of every one. Since he wants that money he's trying to earn enough to get himself a video game so that was a very good motivator for him. 

Another tip that our dietician shared with us was too allow them to touch their food get their hands on it because sometimes by exploring a new food with the tactile senses makes it a little easier for them to be able to handle it with the oral.  

The final tip the dietician shared with us was to use freezer pops before they try new food have them eat a half of freezer proper even a whole one because the cold will numb their mouth so it makes it easier to tolerate. We’ve had some success with this one as well.  

Another thing that has helped us is since I have issues with food as well I started a competition with my son that whoever tries the most new foods, and really tries them, each month will get a prize. This has motivated him to try even more since people naturally have a competitive nature and a desire to win. Also sine he sees me struggling to try new things just like him it has helped him to know that I truly understand how hard it is for him. so that's just a few tips on how to get yours sensory child and picky eaters to eat a little better now. I did find a website that has all these tips and more that you can find here.

Monday, April 20, 2015

What is Autism to me.

So far I’ve done interviews with friends and family and I’ve explained the technical answer to what is autism today I’m going to explain what autism means to me and my family. So what is autism well short answer as I said in my first video. Autism is a neurological disorder that affects the way the brain processes information causing developmental delays and possible social, sensory, and communication issues as well as many more and it affects everyone differently. Now that is an in the box answer for a very out of the box disorder.
Now what is autism to me? Well autism is why I didn’t speak until I was over 3 years old and still to this day have time where speaking is a challenge. Autism is why I have a hard time with social situations and usually don’t know what to say or how to act making it hard for me to make friends. Autism is why I was agoraphobic for a time period. Autism is why some of my senses seem to be in constant overdrive which can be good and bad. For instance with heightened hearing being in a crowded noisy place can throw me into overload because I can’t filter the different sounds but hear them all at the same level it can be a bit much. On the other hand my heightened since of hearing saved a friends dinner from burning they had set a timer to let them know when it was done I was in another room watching TV. when the timer went off I heard it and it annoyed me so I tracked it so I could make it stop my friend had forgotten they were cooking and didn’t hear the timer so because of my hearing it didn’t burn. Another way my heightened senses helped was my sense of smell I caught a whiff of something I couldn’t identify and I couldn’t focus on anything else until I knew what it was so again I tracked it and good thing I did since no one else could smell it when I found the source it was a small fire in the electrical box which we quickly got put out before it caused any real damage if I hadn’t smelled it it could have gotten real bad and we could have lost our house. Another way autism has helped me is with problem solving since autism makes me see things different it also helps me come up with new and unique ways to solve problems. Being autistic has helped me be more accepting of others having felt like an outsider most of my life I do what I can to help others not feel like that. Autism has also helped me have a stronger bond with my children since they are all also autistic we can understand each other and relate to each other in a way others can’t creating a great bond between all of us. Down side is that because we all get along and understand each other so well we can get lost in our own world and not want to go out of the safety of our home that often. Autism is also why when our routines get thrown off we don’t always handle it well. The kids tend to melt down and I tend to get confused and as to what to do next but we do always manage to get through it. To sum up autism is good and bad it’s what makes us unique and different and although it has it’s challenges that we have to face every day that we walk out our door it does have its good side too that help us have the will and courage to get up and leave our house every day and face those challenges and overcome and that is what makes us Autism Strong.

Next time I will be talking about picky eating and sensory problems with food I hope you will join me for that.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Autism Strong: What is Autism the technical side

According to the National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of
complex neurodevelopment disorders, characterized by social impairments,
communication difficulties, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped
patterns of behavior.  Autistic disorder,
sometimes called autism or classical ASD, is the most severe form of ASD, while
other conditions along the spectrum include a milder form known as Asperger
syndrome, and childhood disintegrative disorder and pervasive developmental
disorder not otherwise specified (usually referred to as PDD-NOS).  Although ASD varies significantly in
character and severity, it occurs in all ethnic and socioeconomic groups and
affects every age group.  Males are four
times more likely to have an ASD than females.
First I am going to talk about autistic disorder or classic
According to the dictionary Autism is a mental condition,
present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and
forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract
So what does all this mean? Well let’s break it down shall
we. Autism is a mental condition so it affects the brain ok. It’s characterized
by difficulty in communicating. This can be anything from complete lack of
spoken language commonly called non-verbal to having problems starting and
maintaining a conversation with someone and many things in between. Difficulty
in forming relationships with others this can be when someone with autism does
not acknowledge the existence of anyone else but acts as if they are the only
person in the world or just not being able to approach and communicate with
others to build a relationship. Difficulty in using language and abstract
concept. This covers everything from not being able to read body language and
facial expressions to not understanding sarcasm and metaphors.

Now let’s get into Asperger’s syndrome.
According to the dictionary Asperger’s syndrome is a
developmental disorder related to autism and characterized by higher than
average intellectual ability coupled with impaired social skills and
restrictive, repetitive patterns of interest and activities.
So let’s break this one down. A developmental disorder well
that means it affects how someone develops again this is the brain.
Characterized by higher than average intellectual ability now this does not
mean they are all geniuses it simply means they have an above average IQ.
Impaired social skills this can be they simply have a hard time talking to
people to they can’t understand body language or other social ques. Restrictive,
repetitive patterns of interest now this means they have few interests this can
be a child focused on dinosaurs and only them doesn’t want to do or learn
anything other about dinosaurs or this could be someone focused on Japan and
it’s culture who really only wants to do read and watch things related to
Japanese culture they may do other things but they always end up back on their
topic. Repetitive activities now this can be hand flapping, spinning, jumping,
chewing really anything that they do repeatedly.
Next I will talk about childhood disintegrative disorder.
According to Wikipedia childhood disintegrative disorder
(CDD), also known as Heller's syndrome and disintegrative psychosis, is a rare
condition characterized by late onset of developmental delays in language,
social function, and motor skills.
Ok so what does that mean? Well it’s rare condition which
means it is not found often, late onset this means that they appear to develop
normally then when they get older usually around three (3) they lose abilities
they once had. Delays in language, social function, and motor skills since we
have covered language and social delays I’m not going to go over that again.
Motor skills is you movement broken down into two categories fine motor and
gross motor. Fine motor is your pencil grip, stringing beads, all those small
tasks whereas gross motor is your walking, jumping and all your big movements.
Finally let’s look at pervasive developmental disorder not
otherwise specified (usually referred to as PDD-NOS).
This is a diagnosis where someone has autistic signs and
symptoms enough to be on the autism spectrum but do not fully meet the criteria
for any of the other specific disorders listed above.

So there you have it. That is the technical break down of
what autism is. Next time I will get a little more personal and talk about what
autism is to me and my family. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Groovy Lab in a Box review April 2015

Today we got our Groovy Lab in a Box for April it is a monthly subscription box that is like a stem class in a box. It costs $26.95 a month and the price goes down if you pay for multiple month up front.

Let's take a look at what we got.

1. The Lab notebook
This is a notebook full of experiments and lessons to do with your kids all towards giving you the knowledge to do the design challenge for the month.
Each experiment comes with detailed instructions on how to do it as well information on the why and how it works. You can also go to the beyond the box website to learn even more about it.

2. The materials 
In the box you will find everything you need to do all the experiments for the month I love this they cover all of it. 

One of the other great things is that one box can be used as group experiments with up to 4 people so our whole family can do it together and once we are done we can keep the book and get our own supplies later and do it again if we choose. I will be doing all the experiments with my kids and posting a video of it as well as on here telling our thoughts on them. Until then you can watch my unboxing video here.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Bounjour Jolie April 2015 review

Today I am reviewing the Bonjour Jolie April box. This is a monthly period box you can get it for $16 a month or a one time box to try for $20. You can also get a just the goodies box for $10 a month. So let's see what we got.

The Essentials

1. Tampons,pads, or panty liners
This is your choice of 25 mix and match products or a full unopened box this has a value of around $5 depending on what brand you use.

2. cleansing cloths

These summers eve cleansing help you feel a little fresher at this time of the month these 2 have a value of $0.24

3. Advil

Always good to have on hand for those pains. these 2 packs are valued at $1.20

The Gift
4. Rose Gold Puzzle Necklace

For Autism Awareness month we got this pretty puzzle peice necklace from Seablue Boutique it is valued at $17

The Pampering

5. SanFrancisco Soap Company Body Lotion

This bottle is worth $1.50

6. From Our Hearth Amber Soap

This handmade soap has a value of $1.50

7. Sun Coast Salts Hand Scrub

This all natural scrub is valued at $3

The Edibles

8. Chuao Chocolatier Chocolate Pod

So this was good to start great texture and the popping but after a little bit the chipotle kicked in and was a little over whelming this is valued at $1.50

9. Zotz fizzy pop candy

Hands down my favorite edible this month I have loved these ever since I was a kid. These are worth $1

10. Lorna Doone cookies

These short bread cookies are worth $2.50

11. Candy Creek Lollipops

I did have 3 but my son ate one before I got the picture so these were a hit with my kids. they are valued at $1

12. Nature's Guru coconut water

I'm not a fan of coconut so haven't tried these but they are worth $2

13. Naturals-n-organics tea

These are worth a total of $1

This months box had a value of $ 38.44 at a cost of only $16 I would say another great value this month. You can watch my unboxing video here.